A man walking accrosss the antarctica
Going to the end of the world for climate action.

Follow Climate Activist and Outdoors Adventurer, Lilith van Amerongen, remarkable solo expedition – 1130 km trek to reach the South Pole.

PC: Anniina Perätalo
Join Lilith on this harrowing voyage through the world's final frontier of exploration.
Lilith is embarking on this trek to collect snow samples for science and use the publicity for climate advocacy. The planetary ecosystems are fragile, and humanity is literally on Thin Ice.
The 50-day solo unsupported ski expedition crossing the Antarctic Polar Desert is her most challenging adventure to date. It will require months of arduous training to handle the cold and hauling her 85 kg heavy supply sled.
About Lilith
5 people walking with their sleds across the snow
The Expedition
50 days
Skiing solo in the Antarctic Polar Desert from Nov 2025 to Jan 2026
90 kgs
of supplies hauled in a sled
1130 km
trekked unsupported
A map of the Antarctica with the route marked that Lilith will travel
The Action Plan


Using the publicity of the record-breaking South Pole expedition to demand actions to protect our climate. Media attention always contributes to building public opinion and political pressure for fast action.


Collaborating with the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research to collect snow samples, providing vital information on atmospheric particles crucial for snow formation and their variations along the passage.
A landscape of snow
A Trekking Milestone
More people have been to space than have reached the South Pole by overland passage.
At 24 years old, Lilith van Amerongen will travel solo and unsupported to the heart of Antarctica.
More about Lilith
A profile of Sven Ploeger
PC: Sebastian Knoth
“The inspiring commitment of a young woman to climate justice rightly receives a lot of support from renowned scientists.”
Sven Plöger
TV Presenter
Going to the end of the world for climate action.
Support Lilith
By supporting this endeavor, you become a part of it and thus, part of the movement for a just climate transition.

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Make a difference today! Support Lilith's mission for climate action by contributing to the GoFundMe campaign. Every donation counts. Click here to donate and join the movement
Join us on this critical mission.
Lilith van Amerongen