Frozen lake with snowy mountains
Contributing to the global effort to address this critical knowledge gap.

On her expedition, Lilith will collect 25 snow samples for a German research team led by Heike Wex at the Leibniz Institute for Tropospheric Research (TROPOS)

PC: Henrique Setim
Scientific Contribution
The Scientific study will give insight into weather patterns and climate systems.
This science study aims to provide insights into atmospheric particles called ice-nucleating particles (INPs) pivotal for snow formation and their variations along the journey. It gives insight into weather patterns and ultimately climate systems.
A picture of Heike Wex
Heike Wex. PC: Herzkampf.
TROPOS station
TROPOS in Leipzig. PC: Annett Skupin, TROPOS.
Samples’ Journey
The Journey from Antarctica to Germany
This science study aims to provide insights into atmospheric particles called ice-nucleating particles (INPs) pivotal for snow formation and their variations along the journey. It gives insight into weather patterns and ultimately climate systems.
a profile of Frank Boettcher
PC: Christian Bittcher
"For climate protection, no path is too far, no effort too great, and no goal too high. Lilith shows us with her project that through the combination of will, planning, and ability, even the seemingly most difficult goals are achievable. I support Lilith on her journey and would be delighted if you join in this support."
Frank Böttcher
Chairman of the German Meteorological Society
Join us on this critical mission.
Lilith van Amerongen